
Thursday, August 24, 2006

In The News....A Long Friggin' Time Ago

The one thing about blogging that can get you in the most trouble is blogging about a topic that is considered "yesterday". Mainly, that's why I try to refrain from current events unless I am absolutely certain that my topic is absolutely current. Yet, even then, I am sometimes a bit late (for instance, the Charlotte Church video I blogged was over a year old but, hey, it was new to me). It is even one of the ten golden rules of blogging, number four I think: Don't Blog Old Topics. Of course, they say to avoid trying to do a humor blog as well which makes me a real sinner in the blogging community. That said, I felt a sense of mild relief to discover that even Yahoo! sometimes makes a blunder. On the main page of their website right now is the famous folding t-shirt video. I first saw this thing no less than two years ago and while I thought it was interesting I would not put it in my top ten videos even back then. Which is why I find it rather amusing that Yahoo! has put it on their website now. You can find the link to the actual website for the actual folding t-shirt video here. As for me, I've seen it about a hundred times but the video did cause me to remember JibJab which I will now put in my Links.