
Friday, August 18, 2006

What Is A Minger?

According to the Urban Dictionary a minger is:

a male or female who fell out of the ugly tree at birth and hit every branch on the way down

And definition three claims that it derives from:

Scottish Gaelic, meaning 'septic vagina'.

Wikipedia offers no insight as to the meaning of this word but after viewing a few pics on I still don't have a clue. Here are a few examples of mingers on their website.

Alright, it's a bad pic, I'll give you that but it certainly isn't the face that makes it so horrible. Sure, the face doesn't help much but the leather jacket, the pose, the glasses, the funky big-ass ear rings all do their part. I'm guessing that a minger is somebody who isn't all that attractive and has absolutely no fashion sense.

Next pic.

Again, the face ain't the problem here but, really, the fashion sense is what saves this guy. Come on, a fat guy wearin' a "I Beat Anorexia" shirt. That's funny...and yet he is still a minger.

On to the third pic.

[Due to a certain level of offense caused by this picture I will now describe it instead of showing it. It was of a fairly seasoned woman sitting in the tub smoking a cigarette with a very suggestive look on her face. Yes, her extremely spent boobs were exposed but the poster of the image had blacked out her nip--actually, I explain that below. So, there, image gone. I went too far with this one I guess and I apologize for any of the unfortunates who had to witness it.]

For the love of...that is twice in one week that I have run across a pic of somebody's naked grandma! I will tell you right now, that isn't right....that is not right at all. Thank God for the person who had enough compassion to at least void out granny's....gulp!....nipply areas. Why couldn't they do something about the suggestive look on her face? The really sad part is that a pic of a naked elderly lady leaves me even more clueless as to what truly is a minger. But, then again, after seeing that pic I really don't care to know anymore.