
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good Christmas!

I would say "merry" but I kinda felt Dickensy and I figure "good" works just as well. We have entirely too many words in the English language anyway. I wish it to you by the way. Good Christmas. I figured it was implied but, well, I shouldn't assume and all that. Its been good for me, this Christmas. Kinda laid back, no big worries. Rather lovely actually. I asked for nothing as I need nothing although there are things I would like. Job stability being high on the list. But I shant complain as it is the holidays and Santa or Jesus or somebody might be listening. If it's Santa, I really dont' want anything other than to make my kid less selfish. If it's Jesus, please make me a better man. If it's the somebody else; uhhh, free cable for a month or two would be nice. Regardless I say as I said: Good Christmas.