
Friday, July 31, 2009

Cars For Cash

So the cars for cash program is going broke...lovely. I only thought of that about seven years ago and in that vision I had it going horrendously broke as well. Hold on...I'm fidgeting through papers on my office'll be a moment....Sorry, I was looking for a quote Iwrote about this but I couldn't find it. The best I found was this, which I rather like:

His name was Ed Meese. He had been the only night janitor in the National Archives building for nearly thirty years. When he first took the job there were three night janitors in the building but Ed was born from a father from Beijing and a mother who was the last full blooded Cherokee Indian. Both of them told him to be happy that nobody was trying to kill him right now and because of that he should work his ass off. And so Ed worked his ass off. From the very first day on the job he worked so hard that his manager immediately fired the other two persons on the night crew and promoted Ed to Night Manager. At same pay. Over the years Ed figured out how to do the job of three people without having to come in three hours early. Ed was a master of Mop Skates.

I only had to edit out about three paragraphs there and it actually has no relevance to my first paragraph at all but...hmmm, there it is then. Ed Meese. A true Chinese-Native American hero. That should surely fill a much needed social chasm out there.