
Thursday, August 10, 2006

A List Update

Since I've been out of town I haven't had much time to do any research on my Top Ten List which I have now affectionately dubbed: The Most Pointless Thing I Have Ever Done In My Life. That might sound like a fairly empty title but this is from a person who has:
  1. Worked every single Puzz 3-D ever made pre-1995
  2. Spent two days building a 3-foot tall Eiffel Tower out of two thousand generic Magnetix pieces only to have my son kick it down two seconds later
  3. Learned to do over ten Yo-Yo tricks
  4. Learned to play Omaha Hi-Lo effectively
  5. Logged over a hundred hours trying to figure out what is really up with The Church of Scientology
  6. Got hooked on three seasons of The Real World, two seasons of The Osbournes, two seasons of Project Greenlight, two seasons of Survivor, one season of Big Brother, two seasons of American Idol, one season of Fear Factor, one season of The Apprentice, a half a season of Dancing With The Stars, a half a season of Skating With The Stars, five weeks of The Biggest Loser, three weeks of Newlyweds, two weeks of Hell's Kitchen, five days of Deal or No Deal, and the last episode of Joe Millionairre
  7. Wrote over ten letters to my local Congressman and four to my State Senators
  8. Tried the South Beach Diet: "Bread bad, pig goooooood!" I gained two pounds as my blood sugar plummeted to a very respectable 10 (hey, a perfect score!). Maybe I should call this one of The Most Deadly Things I've Ever Done
  9. Created a MySpace account
  10. Hit Ryan Adams video. He was right. Hit the link, you'll see

As for my movie list, gone are: Hard To Hold, Joe Dirt, Virtuosity, Hudson Hawk, The Stupids. All for various reasons.

Movies I have failed to categorize as of yet: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Last Rites, Town & Country, Are We There Yet?, She-Devil, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier