
Monday, July 31, 2006

Mommy, Please, I Want More Fish Oil!

Every time some goofy study on what food is good for you comes out of the wood work I brace myself for the ensuing onslaught of insanity. We saw it with milk, we saw it with eggs, we saw it with ginseng, and garlic, and, vegan diets full of soy, soy, soy, and...well, it just goes on and on. But over the past twenty years one rather peculiar food source has been gaining steam despite the fact that it just sounds absolutely disgusting. That food--or thing you can eat if you are on the verge of dying from starvation--is fish oil. Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are so absolutely amazing, if you shot enough of it into space, it would not only fix all of our environmental problems but it would bring on ten thousand years of world peace. In one study, they even fed poor South African children fish oil spreads in the flavors of curry, chicken, and tomato in order to further bring home the point that fish oil is good for you. However, they did leave out what these children thought about the taste of the spreads but I'm guessing that they were all two shades to the dark side of this foul stuff...

...which, I imagine, is why they used hungry South African kids.

Question: Why not just give the kids a tasteless fish oil pill instead of making them choke down vile fish oil spread?

Answer: Because you won't buy fish oil pills for your kids but you'll buy something that can be called a meal and is good for them as well.

Maybe in the not to far off future I'll be buying fish oil chicken spread for my kid's lunch. Sure, he'll want peanut butter but I'll just explain to him that peanuts had their run for long enough, not it's time to give fish oil a chance.