
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You Can't Get an Oscar at Summer Camp

Dakota Fanning is twelve years old and she cries a lot. I mean, in her films at least... she cries a lot. In War of the Worlds she was nonstop screaming and panicking and otherwise stressing me the hell out! In Hide & Seek she was no better (but, I guess I can forgive her since her dad was a schitzed out maniac). She stole the show in Man on Fire but, even then, she had a pretty stressful life (what with all the gettin' kidnapped and all). Long story short, did an obvioulsy stressed-out underage actress really need to get raped by a pedophile in the upcoming Deborah Kampmeier film, Hounddog?

Her mom thinks so because she figures Dakota can garner an Oscar out of the deal, her agent is proud that she did the "child rape" scene despite obvious great discomfort on the part of the extremely young actress. On all of that, I can't have an opinion. All I'm thinking is that Dakota is twelve and, well, after having to go from pretending to get kidnapped to having your dad try to constantly kill you to having aliens try to turn you into a blood Slurpee! maybe having to get raped might be a bit much. But, hey, I'm not a Hollywood mom, agent, or producer so I can't make that call.