
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Definite Case For Holmes & Watson

So they just came out with this report where 31 states recorded increases in adult obesity. It seems that despite government initiatives at both the state and federal level, people are still getting bigger. It is quite the quandary. Of course, this news comes only a mere week after McDonald's launched their new Arch card. That's a bold move, creating a debit card that can only be used to purchase crappy fast food but I guess that's why McDonald's is the number one fast food chain. They know how to think outside of the box. Not that the other fast food chains are slackers. Hardee's has their award winning Double Thickburgers and it's co-partner in the business, Carl's Jr, has the peculiar Pastrami Burger. Wendy's has the Classic Triple which begs the question of just when did three slabs of meat on top of each other become classic? But not to be outdone Burger King just came out with Stackers that can go four patties high! That's impressive, but even more impressive is Dairy Queen's jump into the burger fray with this little gem:

That there is called the Chili Meltdown Grill Burger. Dairy Queen claims that it'll make a man out of you which I will not disagree with since only a real man can eat two burger patties, a lot of cheese, a whole onion, and a bowl of chili all at the same time. A real man with a real deadly amount of heartburn afterward.

All that said, the people that I personally blame for all of the obesity issues in America isn't a fast food chain at all. I blame companies like Dockers with their innovative individual fit waistband. Really what is the incentive to lose that little bit of extra weight in order to fit into your pants when your pants will automatically change size to fit you? Sure, it's convenient but there is something to be said for the motivational humility of having to sew the button back on your pants after your belly just launched it across the room and scared five lives out of your always nervous house cat. But I could be wrong and maybe the fast food people are really to blame. But I doubt my cat, who has lived exclusively under my bed for the past two years, would agree.