
Friday, July 28, 2006

Still Not Gettin' It

Michelle Malkin thinks Jill Greenberg is an unbelievably sick person. Why? Because Jill likes to make little kids cry and then take their picture. Now why would Jill do such a mean thing to toddlers? Because Jill hates President Bush. Does this make any sense at all? Because, frankly, I ain't gettin' it. In the interview, Jill says she got the idea when a small boy:

....started crying on his own, and I shot that, and when I got the contact sheets back I thought, "this could go with the caption, "four more years,"" like he was apalled at George Bush's reelection. The images have a real power--they immediately get under your skin.

Certainly I would agree that the images get under your skin. Just look at the poor little tykes . Nobody likes to see kids suffer but I'm not blaming President Bush for it. I'm blaming you, Jill, the person who is personally making them cry! But let's be honest, who really thinks that Jill is doing this as some sort of political message against President Bush? The fact is that Jill is just another Ned Danny, a person with some talent but instead of taking the hard road like everybody else, they try to use, "shock and awe," to get an audience. It's just a shame that a few kids have to cry just so Jill can get hers.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm off to take a picture of me kicking a dog in the nuts. I have nothing against dogs, I actually like most of 'em. But, lately, the mail lady has been really getting under my skin.

Oh, and if you want to see somebody with talent and who doesn't have to make kids cry in order to take their picture, check out Tif's photos on the links.