
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Love The One Your With

When I first heard that the weapons deal went through between Russia and Venezuela I, like most Americans, took the news badly. To be honest, I was really upset about the deal. I thought Russia and the United States had been getting along so well lately. But then they had to go and hook up with that loud mouth Venezuelan demagogue and totally damage what I thought was a blossoming relationship. I couldn't believe it but then I saw this picture....

....and I just couldn't be mad anymore. Just look at their faces. Putin with his smirky little grin and Chavez, readying for the long-awaited embrace. It's obvious that these two world leaders are in love. And not the, "we had a fun couple of weeks together but I don't think either of us is looking for anything long term," sort of love. I'm talking about the, "you complete me," sort of love. You can see it in the eye contact and the total lack of apprehension each has towards the other despite a complete invasion of their mutual personal space. They are in it for the long haul and personally I'm not going to be a part of standing in their way. It's tough enough to just survive in this oft cruel world so when you are lucky enough to find that one true one then, damn it, you should fight to hold on! So, I say, screw America and anybody else that wants to get in your way because you can't rationalize the decisions of love...its just crazy that way.