
Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Infamous Farting Preacher

If you don't know about Robert Tilton then you might want to read up on him over at Wikipedia before continuing to read here. Or, you can just get my nutshell version of this sleazeball which pretty much summates what is said in the link. Mr. Tilton is, in my opinion, one of the lowest forms of life in existence. In the nineties, he became extremely wealthy by telling poor people and sick people that they could get rich or get well simply by sending him money (preferably a thousand bucks). Nearly all of his show was spent claiming that the only way to escape from the devil--which was why they were poor or sick--was to fork over that cash to his piece of shit ass. He spent very little time actually preaching good faith or attempting to uplift a depressed soul or doing anything that might possibly hint that there was any value in sending him a buck. And a lot of people sent him a lot of money throughout the beginning of the nineties until Dateline blew the whistle on his game. After that he drifted into obscurity for a while only to be replaced by a video clip of The Farting Preacher which was just Mr. Tilton preaching with different fart noises dubbed in during opportune times. If you haven't seen it, your first reaction might be slight apall (unless you have a negative opinion of Christianity or religion which means you will find it hilarious sans guilt) as you laugh and chuckle. Personally, I've known for some time that Robert Tilton is two floors down from the devil himself (hey, at least the devil is honest about what he's doing). But the really good thing is that thanks to YouTube you can experience all five of the Farting Preacher remixes. This one here is the latest (although it still might be old) and my personal favorite. Oh, and thanks to Micks for the contribution because I now realize that a decent humor blog would be incomplete if it didn't have a link to The Farting Preacher: