
Friday, July 21, 2006's still aging well

A few years ago, I started researching all of those games I used to play when I was a kid if for no other reason than I was bored and there was nothing really good on the T.V. What I discovered was that one game in particular was a good bit older than I first realized. That game was Pong and it came into existence the very same year as myself; that being 1972. Like myself, Pong is almost 34 and as things go it is aging as well as, if not better, than me. It only took me a quick run through the Internet to find just a few of what I thought were rather good renditions of the game that are currently up and running (out of the hundreds out there). However, be warned that, while I did test the links numerous times, they still have the possibility of taking you to Pop-Up Neverland.

Link One is a decent rendition of Pong with a nice scenic backdrop. I found it to be rather soothing but, eventually, boring as well. Herein lies the link to Pong with a view.

Link Two is Pong if it were played by fleas or perhaps some bored lice. This one claims to be the World's Tiniest Game of Pong. I'd tend to agree. You gotta click that little square to start. Use your up and down arrows to play.

Link Three is quality Pong. Good sound effects and the difficulty rises quite well. Some decent Pong can be found here.

Link Four is better by quite a margin. It's called Bomb Pong and it introduces spin to the equation as it takes on a more Ping-Pong aspect (which is the inspiration for the Pong game).

Link Five is by far the most inspired of the lot. It's called 3-D Pong and it is quite challenging but the little white ball is hard to follow and the sound effects suck.....even by Pong standards! Thankfully, whoever created this version updated it and released it to the public once more. This time it was called Curveball. Click that link at your own peril because with classic Pong sound, spin action, bonuses, and score posting this version of Pong is one of the most addictive games on the Internet.

One thing I now know for certain: The Hoff has nothing on Pong.