
Monday, May 21, 2007

Sometimes Even Better And Popular Ain't Enough

So I'm outside tossin' around this weird spongy saw-blade thingy with the kid (it's supposed to be the newest, coolest take on a Frisbree) which causes me to wonder, "Didn't we already solve the whole "what is the best Frisbee" dilemma a few years back?" Currently, we own five different forms of circular throwing things (none of which are made by Frisbee) and they all suck. Sure, they go pretty far on a good toss but I remember something that could easily go twice as far with half the effort. It was a great toy....they even made a really cool Boomerang that always looked like it was heading back to you before it landed on the roof of the neighbor's house. The company's name was Aerobie and their amazing product looked like this:

Aerobie's were on the verge of becoming the numero uno of outdoor disc-throwing thingys as they began to take over the summertime park and yard scenes across America. Somebody even set a world record by chucking on of the things over twelve hundred feet. But, then, as suddenly as they came, they went. I was saving up to buy one (they were quite expensive) when they suddenly disappeared and I believe I bought myself a nice pair of Hammer-style black and white balloon pants instead. I imagine that price was what finally got the best of the Aerobie (unlike poor money management which was Hammer's final downfall) but, really, that seems to never stop Apple from coming back out of the grave every five years or so. I'm hopeful that the same will be said for Aerobie since I really don't enjoy throwing out my arm just to watch a heavy piece of sponge go forty feet and then crash like a plane that suddenly ran out of gas.

I did find Aerobie's website but they don't sell their products directly which is a shame. I guess I'll just have to wait until Apple innovates the flying disc in a couple of years. Sure it'll cost five hundred bucks but it will also automatically download all of your favorite tunes as it zips through the air.