
Monday, January 15, 2007

No More For Gore

According to a Reuters article I found in the Huffington Post, Al Gore will definitely not run for President in 2008. Instead, he will continue his popular campaign of trying to get the United States to lead the campaign to end our world's current climate crisis. Now while I do think that this whole climate crisis thing is a bit debatable (much like nuclear power, lead in gasoline, and recycling every fucking thing we can get our hands on) where I fundamentally disagree with Mr. Gore on this issue is that it definitely should not be the United States leading the way towards lowering global CO2 emissions. Mr. Gore says that we should lead the cause because we are the ones causing most of the problem (we currently produce 20 metric tons of CO2 emissions per capita) but I must ask: Do we ask the crack addicts or the heroine junkies to solve the drug problem? If somebody gets shot in a drive-by do we tell them that it is their job to stop street violence? No, we do not because they are the victims much like America is the victim of it's heavy dependence on fossil fuels and other CO2 causing dependencies. Hell, per capita-wise Canadians use fossil fuels nearly as much as Americans and yet they are constantly heralded as a nearly Utopian society--kinda like France but with at least a semblance of an sense of humor. Yet Canadians are never discussed in the global environment picture (hell, Canadians are never discussed period) and yet they are doin' the same shit Americans are doin' except maybe only on the weekends or when their buddies from college decide to stop by and crash for a few days. Yeah, sure, we might be sellin' a bit on the side to the little guys but we have over 5,000 airports to support! We gotta sell the shit just to keep the two-thirds of the airline industries that aren't profitable from going bankrupt! Of course, even if an airline does go bankrupt, the government just jumps in and gives it special status until it gets back on its feet! Oh yeah, we got a problem, we got a big problem, but we are supposed to be the ones to fix it? Yeah right. Now that I think about it, we don't have a problem at all...we're just under a lot of pressure. It's tough being a world leader.

Now if you will excuse me I'm off to the local 24-hour grocery store (its only four miles away) because I feel the need for a Slim Jim and a bag of Bar-B-Q Frito Twists coming on.