
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Things That Make Ketchup Flavored Chips Sound Yummy!

After a quick visit to weird foods, I have returned with the knowledge that traditional eating habits can actually be ingrained into the very fabric of human DNA. It might sound insane but how else can you explain why a society of people would willingly want to eat something like this:

That rancid stuff is called shiokara and it consists of bits of various kinds of sea things soaked in those various sea things fermented viscera. "What is fermented viscera?" you may ask. Well, fermented viscera is actually the guts of the various sea things aged over a month until they turn into that delicious looking goo-gravy you see there. That looks so damn delicious that I think it is actually causing my new flat-screen monitor to gag just a little bit.

But shiokara isn't the worst of it according to weird foods. People in Iceland enjoy the occasional Fermented Shark. Sure, you would think fermenting an entire shark would be tricky but all you have to do is chuck the carcass under a bunch of rocks for a while and then hang it for a while longer (hanging it near a friend's house is an added bonus although it will not enhance the flavor of the shark). Now your ready to host your rotten shark party but remember to have lots of Icelandic potato wine--or Black Death as the natives call it--on hand because nothing compliments a fermented fish corpse better than the occasional sip of death.

In Indonesia they like their monkey toes but fried only (something I can respect), in Poland no child can resist and nice big slice of Jellied Cow's Foot, and in Asia there isn't anything better to bring the family to the table than a nice big beef pizzler. You can figure that one out yourself. My personal favorite proof that there is an inherited food gene comes from the fine southern states of Georgia and Alabama where the citizens just can't get enough of that good old-fashioned dirt. Clay to be exact. Come on, if that isn't proof that eating nasty shit is genetic then I don't know what is! As for me, I'll abstain from partaking of mud; at least until they come out with Clay Lay's and then I guess I'll have to try it.