
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Finally, The Wait Is Over

I don't know about you but I've been waiting for the new DVD release of the original Star Wars Trilogoy for months now....or, at least, since the last time George Lucas released the original Star Wars Trilogy. Now some would think Georgie has quite a bit of nerve re-releasing a movie he has already released, showed again en masse at the movies, butchered and maimed, released again, and the released again, and is now releasing once more. Some might even compare George to a pimp who only has one hooker but those people are obviously not Star Wars fans. In this newest version, you actually get the original version and the updated 2004 version so you can wane away the day comparing every single image. It's a geek freak's wet dream. For me, just knowing that the "R" in rebel got changed is justification enough to make the purchase.

Come on, even a non-Star Wars fan would have to admit that the updated "Rebel" version looks much better and just makes more sense. Is it worth twenty bucks? Well, only borderline Star Wars fans will even ask themselves such a question.