
Monday, September 18, 2006

Take That Japan!

Sure, Honda might have made the first robot-man, ASIMO, and smart little Japanese engineers were the first to create the first Mech-Man as well which I blogged about way back in June. But it was the United States that eeked out a win with the first legitimate bionic woman. Her name is Claudia Mitchell and not too surprisingly she is a Marine. The article doesn't state what sort of role Claudia will be filling for our government but I'm certain it will be highly secret, extremely dangerous, and involve a lot of slow motion scenes. The article also does not disclose how much it cost to create the first bionic woman but I'm guessing it was in the millions...possibly something with the number six in it. If you want to get a glimpse into just what Claudia will be able to do with her new bionic arm, you might want to check out this clip.

That is text book ball crushing right there. Personally, I'm glad I'm on her side. You can see the article on Yahoo! News here.